Preventive Dental Hygiene ServicesTooth Cleaning:
Registered Dental hygienists may clean, polish, and whiten your teeth. Tooth Whitening: In-office tooth bleaching is achieved with Philips Zoom! Technique Early Cancer Detection-Salivary Testing: Periodic exam of head and neck for abnormal growths includes thyroid gland, lymph nodes, jaw joints, jaw muscles, oral and pharyngeal tissues for early diagnosis of numerous disease processes. Salivary testing for prevention of microbial disease caused bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Certain microbes abnormally abundant in diseased oral tissues predict cancer in the oral cavity, pancreas, and colon. HPV detection in the saliva predicts oral cancer. HPV is the cause of nearly all cancer of the uterus and most cancer of the throat and is sexually transmissible. |
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Location23440 Hawthorne Boulevard Suite 120, Torrance, CA 90505